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1st step #7: Close or suspend a recruitment process

Chapter 7 of our beginner's guide: Closing or suspending a recruitment according to need.

Closing a recruitment

You've found your gem! You can now complete your recruitment...

Select the recruitment to be closed in your dashboard and click on Archive.

Archived recruitments disappear from your dashboard by default.
To make them reappear, you have a small "open/archived" menu:
Click once on archived to display all open and archived recruitments, and a second time to keep only archived ones on the screen.
To return to the view of open recruitments only, perform the same operation by clicking on "Open".

An archived recruitment can be restored, thus returning to the list of open recruitments.

🚀 Practical tip:
Archiving a recruitment won't make candidates disappear from your CV library. However, the operation will automatically unpublish all ads contained in the recruitment.

Suspending recruitment

It may happen that you have to put a recruitment campaign on hold (change of priority in your company, temporary impossibility of carrying out the recruitment...).
To avoid closing a recruitment and then restoring it when the time comes, you can simply take the ads offline. To do this, in the recruitment concerned, select all the advertisements with a single click by ticking the box in front of Publish and click on Take offline.

Why suspend recruitment rather than close it and then restore it?
All open recruitments in your dashboard represent your recruitment needs. If you put recruitment on hold for financial reasons, for example, your recruitment needs are still there.
Keeping recruitment open will give you better visibility of your needs.
What's more, not closing the recruitment process will avoid distorting your statistics.