Discover how CV sources and flows can help you understand candidate behavior and adapt your processes accordingly.
Analysis of CV sources
To find out more about the source of your CVs, simply click on the "details" button in the graph above, or on the "CV source analysis" tab on the left of the Statistics button.
Please note that only CVs registered in Beetween within the selected period (by default the last 30 days) are visible.
A message informs you here that only exact sources are taken into account in the table.
If your CVs have been saved as a result of a job application posted by Beetween, this source is automatically filled in. However, if you manually import a CV into your CV library, this will not be the case.
To remedy this, be sure to update the source manually. To do this, go to the recruitment where your candidate has been imported.
By default, the source is saved as "Identification / CVthèque". Click on this link to open the pop-up window.
To ensure that the statistics are not corrupted, remember to fill in the 2 fields correctly.
Let's assume that our candidate has sent us an unsolicited application directly via the company's contact email. We can fill in the fields as follows:
CV flow analysis
To access this interface, simply click on the "Resume feed" tab on the left under the statistics button.
The "Resume flow" tab corresponds to flow statistics, i.e. it measures the "conversion rate" over a specific period of time.
As with the CV sources, the CVs used for these statistics are only those for the selected period. Please note that the end date is always excluded from the data!
CV flows and sources: understanding the table
Each recruitment is subdivided into stages. By default, the steps are :
- Inbox
- Pending
- Selected
- Contact
- Sent to customer
- Awaiting appointment
- Awaiting customer feedback
- Hired
- Archived
- Litter garbage can
- Spam
The source analysis table, like the flow analysis table, is based on this workflow. In fact:
- The "Total" column corresponds to the total number of applications received/integrated into the recruitment file over the selected period.
- The "Contacted" column corresponds to the number of applications received/integrated into the recruitment file over the selected period and moved at least once to one of the following columns:
Contacted | Sent to customer | Waiting for appointment | Waiting for customer feedback | Hired - The "Met" column corresponds to the number of applications received/integrated into the recruitment file over the selected period and moved at least once to one of the following columns:
Waiting for appointment | Waiting for customer return | Hired - The "Hired" column corresponds to the number of applications received/integrated into the recruitment file over the selected period and moved at least once in the column :
After exporting the CV stream as a CSV file, the "down arrow" button at the top right of the CV stream table will display the following additional columns:
- Total (current): This is the total number of applications received/integrated into the recruitment file over the selected period and still present in :
Inbox or Spam - Contacted (current): This is the number of applications received/integrated into the recruitment file over the selected period and still present in one of the following columns:
Contacted | Sent to customer - Met (current): This is the number of applications received/integrated into the recruitment file over the selected period and still present in one of the following columns:
Waiting for appointment | Waiting for customer return
Of course, if a candidate is moved from the "Inbox" stage directly to "Waiting for appointment", this increments contacted AND met.
Similarly, if a candidate is moved from the "Inbox" stage directly to "Hired", this increments contacted AND met AND hired.
On the other hand, if a candidate is moved from the "Inbox" stage directly to "Archived" or "Trash", only the "Total" column will count the application in the CV flow.
CV flows and sources: focus on the quality index
The default quality index is calculated as follows:
Contacted (total) / [Total (total) - Total (current)]
i.e. the number of candidates contacted in relation to the number of applications processed among the applications received over the period.
What do I do if I've moved a candidate form to a stage by mistake, and I want to undo the action to avoid distorting the statistics?
As soon as you move a candidate in a step, the event linked to the move is recorded in the history of the candidate's file, as shown below:
Moving a candidate record in the initial step does not cancel the move. As a result, the statistics cannot be corrected.
To cancel a trip, simply go to the details of the candidate's file, then click on the "Cancel" button on the desired event in the history.
The candidate's file will return to the stage before the move, and the statistics will not be distorted.