Post your job ads on Welcome To The Jungle.

Have you just set up a space for your company on Welcome To The Jungle and would you like to broadcast your offers from Beetween?


To do this, simply contact our customer team using this form and provide us with the information we need to connect our two platforms.

All you have to do is provide us with your Organisation Reference .

Here is an article from Welcome To The Jungle that will tell you how to obtain it yourself and then send it to us.

Find your Org Ref on Welcome To the Jungle

In order for the offers to be displayed, your Company Showcase must be completed on Welcome To The Jungle, otherwise the offers will not be visible.

You also need to ensure that your Welcome To The Jungle subscription is connected to an ATS.

Be sure to tell WTTJ that you are going to broadcast from our ATS so that the connection is effective on both sides.

Redirect Applications towards an ATS