Customize templates and automated emails with variables

Variables can be used to automatically personalize an email or SMS. Save time by using them in your templates and automated emails.

Saving time is the main argument for using ATS software. Sending emails to candidates is a classic step in the recruitment process, whether direct to one or more candidates, or automated emails such as application confirmations. The use of dynamic variables allows you to send personalized emails as a group.

What is a dynamic variable?

A variable is an element that you insert in your communication (in this case, your emails) referring to a piece of data in the candidate's file: surname, first name, email address... When the email is sent, the variable is replaced by the data in question.
In Beetween, variables are case-sensitive : {{nameofthevariable}}. These variables are accessible for all emails you write: application acknowledgements, grouped or single emails, email templates...

Available variables

A number of variables concerning candidates and advertisements are available by default in Beetween :

  • {{recruitment}} : Name of your recruitment file
  • {{job}} : Job applied for
  • {{firstname}} : Candidate's first name
  • {{lastname}} : Candidate's last name
  • {{}} : Link to the candidate's Beetween profile

In addition, you can use variables concerning your recruiter account:

  • {{me.firstname}} : Recruiter's first name
  • {{}} : Recruiter's last name
  • {{}} : Recruiter's email
  • {{}} : Public phone number
  • {{}} : Recruiter's company
  • {{}} : Recruiter's agency (if your company has a Beetween configuration by agency)
  • {{agency.address}} : Agency address

These last variables refer to the data accessible in your settings & profile.


Depending on the CV parsing technology chosen by your company, Textkernel or HR Match variables are also available:

Textkernel :

  • {{txtkrnl.softskills}} : Candidate's soft skills
  • {{txtkrnl.skills}} : Candidate's hard skills
  • {{txtkrnl.currentjob}} : Candidate's current position
  • {{txtkrnl.shortaddress}} : Candidate's short address
  • {{txtkrnl.address}} : Candidate's address
  • {{txtkrnl.dob}} : Candidate's date of birth
  • {{txtkrnl.driving}} : Candidate's driving license (if applicable)
  • {{txtkrnl.status}} : Textkernel status (OK, Error or Failed)
  • {{}} : Jobs held by candidate
  • {{txtkrnl.organization}} : Companies where the candidate has worked
  • {{txtkrnl.degrees}} : Degrees obtained by the candidate
  • {{txtkrnl.basiclanguage}} : Language(s) mastered
  • {{txtkrnl.fluentlanguage}} : Mother tongue(s)
  • {{txtkrnl.address2}} : Candidate's second address
  • {{txtkrnl.normalizedJobs}} : Normalized jobs
  • {{txtkrnl.gender}} : Candidate's gender

HR Match :

  • {{hrm.status}} : HR Match status (OK, Error or Failed)
  • {{hrm.dob}} : Candidate's date of birth
  • {{hrm.nationality}} : Candidate's nationality
  • {{hrm.docname}} : Attachment name
  • {{hrm.resumetitle}} : Candidate's resume title
  • {{hrm.address}} : Candidate's address
  • {{hrm.route}} : Candidate's street and number
  • {{hrm.expected_job}} : Job sought by the candidate
  • {{hrm.organization}} : Companies where the candidate has worked
  • {{hrm.job}} : Positions held by the candidate
  • {{hrm.driving}} : Candidate's driving license
  • {{hrm.degrees}} : Diplomas obtained by the candidate
  • {{hrm.qualifications}} : Candidate's skills
  • {{hrm.lang}} : Mother tongue(s)
  • {{hrm.lang2}} : Language(s) mastered
To create your own email templates or modify your automatic emails, go to your settings. Once written, your emails will look like this:

To create your sms templates, go to your settings & sms templates.

You can then use variables in the same way as for emails.


An administrator user can access and modify all email and SMS templates, including private templates for collaborators.

Custom variables

A customized version of the variables is possible. With tags, you can fill in personalized fields on your candidate files. We can convert these fields into variables to give you greater editorial freedom.