Automatically delete job offers

A dated job ad gives your company a bad image. Solve the problem with automatic ad removal.

When a job offer is too old, it gives a rather negative image of the company (Why can't it recruit this profile?) but also of the platform that puts it forward. For this reason, most job boards regularly "sort" offers. However, not all sites do this in the same way, and some don't do it at all!

The truly negative impact of a dated advert

As we said a moment ago, having an ad remain online for too long has a negative impact for several reasons.

  1. The psychological impact on candidates:We've all been looking for work at some point. An advert that's several months old and still online doesn't give a good first impression. The questions the candidate asks don't reflect well on the company. Why hasn't this vacancy been filled? Is the working atmosphere bad? Is management of poor quality? Are the stated missions really as interesting as they seem? Can I really evolve in this structure? These are all questions that candidates will inevitably ask themselves, and which are likely to dissuade them from taking up a position.
  2. The disappearance of the ad in the feed:With nearly 600,000 ads posted every month on Pôle Emploi (source: Statista 2019), it's easy to understand how important it is to be in the 1st results. The older your ad, the further down the queue it appears.
  3. Google For Jobs indexing:Google for jobs is not a job board but a content aggregator. This Google tool searches the web for various job advertisements and lists them in its 'Jobs' tab. The tool therefore searches for offers on all distribution sites. The flow of ads is inevitably greater, and the importance of being among the 1st more important.
View job ads on Google For Jobs

How do I manage the publication of ads in general?

Most job boards delete, or at worst de-index, jobs that have been online (or last modified) for more than 30 days. As offers are always presented in chronological order (except for sponsored offers), benefiting from a recently posted offer is a real competitive weapon. For this reason, we advise you to unpublish/republish your ads regularly.

But be careful not to do it too often! If you do, you run the risk of being considered a spammer. In other words, your ads could be blacklisted temporarily or permanently! To avoid this, we strongly advise you to depublish/republish within a reasonable timeframe: 10 to 15 days is the best average timeframe on job boards.

The solution to avoid forgetting: automatic deletion

The principle

As mentioned above, some job boards don't automatically delete offers, such as LeBonCoin. The option must be activated on the job boards selected by our technical services. When you set up your account, we will automatically delete it after the number of days you have specified.

Installation conditions

Activate option

This option must be activated by our services on the desired job boards.

Account configuration

The "contractual duration of the location in days" must be entered in the logins for each account linked to the desired jobboard.

Pop-up to configure your account as a jobboard - Beetween

Application limits

This feature only works for ads published after we have activated the feature. All ads published before will not be taken into account. You then need to take them offline from Beetween and republish them (a simple "republish" won't work for these ads).

Operating example

Let's take the example of an automatic deletion set to 7 days.

  1. User posts an ad on Leboncoin on 12/15/2019: loses an available spot on Beetween, ad is scheduled for removal on 12/22/2019
  2. The user (modifies or not and) republishes the ad on 12/17/2019 on Leboncoin: he doesn't lose any available space on Beetween, the ad remains scheduled for removal on 12/22/2019
  3. On 22/12/2019, the ad is removed and a slot is credited back to Beetween
  4. The user can then republish this same ad from Beetween on 23/12/2019, it will be scheduled for removal on 30/12/2019.