API documentation

An API connector can be used to connect to a job board or career site.



Distribution of job offers on a jobboard by “API” or similar to a webhook: the API is created on the jobboard and will be called by Beetween.

Job offers are written on Beetween and broadcast on the destination job board thanks to a customized “connector” system integrated into the Beetween software’s job offer multicasting system.
The connector described here is an API connector, in which Beetween sends HTTP REST requests to the job board, according to a predefined format, for each job publication/offline operation. The jobboard must therefore develop an API that complies with the specifications in this documentation.

Compared with XML feeds, this system offers the advantage of near real-time publication, as well as better feedback to the recruiter. It is also much less resource-intensive.

In return, it requires specific development on the part of the jobboard.


Setting up an API distribution connector requires the job board to develop an API entry point for feeding job offers. Before any development of specific job content to be sent by Beetween via API, the person in charge of development on the jobboard side must have read this document.

The job board must integrate an application form for each job offer, enabling candidates to apply: a specific e-mail address will be associated with each job offer to send applications via this form (or redirect to the URL present for each offer in the JSON file).

If necessary, we can also send applications by API, so ask your Beetween contact if you’re interested.


General principle

Each job offer is identified by its Beetween public ID, which is a sequence of lower-case ascii letters and numbers, between 10 and 20 characters long. This ID is automatically generated by Beetween when an offer is placed online, and cannot be modified. It will be noted as $ID in the description of HTTP requests.

HTTP requests sent from Beetween to the job board enable the job to be published and taken offline. Data will be formatted in JSON.
When a job offer is published on the destination site, an HTTP POST request containing the job offer information is sent to the ENDPOINT. The call for creation or update is identical: it’s up to the destination site to check the presence of the offer using the ID supplied as a parameter.

When an offer is withdrawn from publication on the Beetween side, an HTTP DELETE request is sent, containing the offer ID.

HTTP requests

The root of the entry point is defined by the jobboard, and will hereafter be referred to as $ENDPOINT.

For example:
ENDPOINT = https://entry-point-chosen-by-jobboard.com/api/jobs

An HTTPS (not plain HTTP) entry point is strongly recommended.
This entry point must be accessible to Beetween via the Internet, without VPN or other configuration.
To avoid abusive calls, see the “Authentication” chapter.

Create or update a job offer

Here are the fields present in JSON :

To update an offer, the request is similar to putting an offer online: it’s a POST request with an existing ad ID.

Send request (Beetween -> ENDPOINT jobboard)

You’ll find a sample API request here.

For application_email, this value is the e-mail address for receiving applications. By default, this is an address generated by Beetween and specific to this offer, enabling applications to be integrated directly into Beetween. See the “Integration of applications in Beetween”, including the format of the e-mails to be sent for optimum retrieval of applicant information.

For details of the possible values for each field, see the appendix of this article.

Expected return request (Jobboard -> ENDPOINT Beetween)

  • Status 200 in case of success
  • All other statuses will be interpreted as error status.
  • Body :

Explanation of expected return attributes :

  • url (required): displays the URL of the job offer on the job board in Beetween, so that the recruiter can consult it.
  • userMessage message to the user (recruiter), for example to indicate a reason for failure (“Title too long”)
  • developerMessage similar to userMessage, but for Beetween support in charge of monitoring publication operations. Provides more technical information than userMessage. Note: Beetween support also has access to userMessage.

Take an offer offline


ex: DELETE https://entry-point-chosen-by-jobboard.com/api/jobs/a1b2v3d4e5f6

Return expected :

  • no body
  • if successful: status 204 (200 also accepted)
  • if the offer was not online or did not exist, the operation is considered a success
  • all other statuses will be interpreted as a failure of depublication


A Authorization: Basic xxxxx header will be included in each request, containing a token supplied by the jobboard and used to restrict access to the publishing APIs it sets up. This constraint is not mandatory, but is strongly recommended to avoid potential abuse.

The token will be encoded in base64 UTF-8. The size of the base64-encoded token must not exceed 64 characters.

For example, if the token is login:password, the authentication header will be :

Authorization: Basic bG9naW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=

You must use the login:password format, making sure not to use the “:” character in the login or password.

We can also support a Bearer token, which must be communicated to us when the API is set up.

Authorization: Bearer bG9naW46cGdsljksmkdFzc3dvcmQ=


Description of an offer


Element Description Type Specific Values
id 10-character alpha-numeric field imposed by Beetween as a reference and generated automatically Text Autogenerated
clientId Customer login on target job board Text Optional
title Job title Text Required
recruiter Name of recruiting company Text Required
creationDate Date of first publication Datetime Autogenerated
LastModificationDate Date of last publication (modification, republication…) Datetime Autogenerated
applicationEmail Email address for applications Text Autogenerated
applicationUrl Url of a Beetween application page for the ad with integrated application form Text Autogenerated
jobDescription Includes offer content tags
― company Company description HTML Required
― mission Mission description HTML Required
― profile Profile description HTML Required
location Includes job location tags, generated from the address selected by the user
― display Displayable value for location Text Required
― city City Text Required
― post_code Postal code Text Required
― region2Code Department code Text Required
― region2 Department name Text Required
― region1 Region name Text Required
― countryCode Country code Text Required
― countryNameFr Country name in French Text Required
― longitude GPS coordinates: longitude Number Required
― latitude GPS coordinates: latitude Number Required
logoUrl URL of the logo linked to the registered company name and configured in Beetween Text Autogenerated
contract Includes tags related to the proposed employment contract
― type Type of contract proposed, fixed values proposed in a drop-down list Required List of values
― ― code Contract type code Text Required
― ― displayValue Displayable value for contract type Text Required
― duration Contract duration for fixed-term contracts Required for internships, fixed-term and temporary contracts List of values
― ― value Value of contract duration for fixed-term contracts Number Required for internships, fixed-term and temporary contracts
― ― unit Unit of duration (months, weeks…) Text Required for internships, fixed-term and temporary contracts
― ― displayValue Concatenation of the two previous elements, displayable value Text Required for internships, fixed-term and temporary contracts
― rhythm Number of hours per week selected
Contains attributes hours_per_weekdisplay_value (type Text)
List of values
― ― hoursPerWeek Number of hours worked per week Number Required
― ― fullTime Full-time or part-time (true or false) Text Required true or false
― ― displayValue Number of hours per week Text Required
― starting_date Mission start date List of values
― ― asap Start date as soon as possible Boolean Required true or false
― ― value Mission start date Date Required si asap = « false »
job_language Ad language (drop-down list) Text List of values
salary Proposed salary – 2 types of display: salary, and salary range
Contains attributes value, currency, unit; and for range display min and max
List of values
― min Minimum salary range Number
― max Maximum salary range Number
― value Fixed salary value Number
― currency Currency of salary (EUR, USD …) Text Valeurs multiples
― unit Time value of salary (monthly, annual, etc.) Text Valeurs multiples
― displayValue Concatenation of previous fields Text Autogenerated
skills Skills required for the position (free text) [ Text1, Text2,…]
jobTitle Area of activity corresponding to the position List of values
― code Business area code Text
― displayValue Displayable business area value Text
mainActivityArea Primary sector Required List of values
― code Code associated with primary activity sector Text Required
― displayValue Displayable value of primary activity sector Text Required
secondaryActivityArea Secondary activity sector List of values
― code Code associated with secondary activity sector Text
― displayValue Displayable value of secondary activity sector Text
qualification Qualification level List of values
― code Code associated with qualification level Text
― displayValue Displayable value of qualification level Text
experience Required experience: number of years of experience required and number of years in management. Required Détails
― experienceYear Years of experience required Number
― includingManagementYears Years of management experience required Number
― displayValue Displayable experience level value Text
studyLevels Accepted level of qualification
an element is added for each qualification level entered
Tableau d’objet Valeurs multiples List of values
― code Diploma code Text
― displayValue Displayable study level value Text
school_types Type of school, an element is added for each school type entered Tableau d’objet Valeurs multiples List of values
― code Code associated with type of school requested Text
― displayValue Displayable value of requested school type Text
educationDomain Field of study Text



Contract Type

The possible values for the contract “type” object are shown in the following table:

It is preferable to use “code” values for mapping, to avoid any updating problems.

Code displayValue
APPRENTICESHIP Apprenticeship contract
CONTRAT_DE_PROFESIONNALISATION Professionalization contract
COLLABORATION_AGREEMENT Collaboration contract
SUMMER_JOB Summer job
FAMILY Family employment


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Contract Duration

The possible values for the “unit” element of the contract duration object are shown in the following table:

In the same way, it’s best to use unit values for mapping, to avoid any updating problems.

Attribut Unit Value
YEAR year(s)
MONTH month
WEEK week(s)
DAY day(s)
HOUR hour(s)


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Contract Rythm

The rhythm object (rhythm and not rythm) contains 3 elements: "hoursPerWeek" which contains the number of hours worked per week, fullTime which contains "true" or "false" and displayValue which contains the number of hours worked in the form xx.xh/week.

For example:

"rhythm": {
"hoursPerWeek": "35.0",
"fullTime": "true",
"displayValue": "35.0h/semaine"

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Contract Starting Date

The startingDate object indicates the contract start date. When a date is chosen for the start of the contract, the asap="false" element and the value in the “value” element are equal to the date entered by the user.
If the user chooses “as soon as possible”, the asap="true" attribute and the date in “value” correspond to the date of publication of the advert.

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JobLanguage can take two values: “English” or “French”.

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The salary object can be presented in 2 different ways (range or fixed value) depending on the user’s choice:

Fixed value :

"salary": {
"value": "100000.0",
"currency": "EUR",
"unit": "YEAR",
"displayValue": "100000 € (Euros) par an"


"salary": {
"min": "100000.0",
"max": "150000.0",
"currency": "EUR",
"unit": "YEAR",
"displayValue": "De 100000 à 150000 € (Euros) par an"

The possible values for the “unit” and “currency” elements are shown in the tables below:

Unit Value
YEAR per year
MONTH per month
WEEK per week
DAY per day
HOUR per hour


Currency Value
EUR € (Euros)
GBP £ (British Pound)
MAD DH (Moroccan dirham)
USD $ (U.S. Dollar)
CAD $ (Canadian Dollar)
JPY ¥ (Japanese yen)
CHF CHF (Swiss Franc)


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Job title


code displayValue
Craft / Worker Craftsman/Worker
Craft / Shop Craftsman / Local shop
Worker Construction worker
Technician Technician
Hospitality / Travel Hotels / Restaurants / Tourism / Leisure
Sales Trade / Sales
MLM Commission VDI
Computer IT / Internet / Telecom
Marketing / Communication Marketing / Communication
House help Home services
Cleaning / Help Housekeeping / Maintenance
Nurse / Babysitting / School help Personal services
Management Management / Supervision
Entity management General management / Profit center manager
Project management Project management
Engineering Studies / Research / Engineering
HR / Training / Teaching HR / Training / Education
HR Human Resources / Training
Formation / Teaching Education / Teaching
Health Care Health / Medicine / Social
Multi services General services
Administration Administration
Assistant Assistants / Secretaries / Receptionists
Accounting / Finance Accounting / Management / Finance
Legal / Tax Legal / Tax
Security / Help Security / Defense / Guarding
Logistic Transport / Logistics / Purchasing

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Activity area


code displayValue
Bank Bank
Finance Finance
Assurance Insurance
Accounting Accounting
Gestion Management
Legal Legal
Tax Fiscal
Agriculture Agriculture / Fishing
Agri Food industry
Building Building & civil engineering
Building / infrastucture BTP Plants / Roads / Pipelines
Installation / Maintenance / Repair Installation / Maintenance / Repair
Architecture Architecture
Design Design
Town planning Urban planning
Real estate Real estate
Craft Trade / Crafts
Retail Retail / Sales
Distribution Retail
Export International trade / Export
Customer service Customer service / after-sales
Call center Call center
Hostelry Hotels
Food Catering
Tourism Tourism
Hobbies Leisure
Sport Sport
Equipment manufacturer Automotive / Aerospace / Transportation
Metallurgy Metallurgy
Mechanical / Robotics Mechanics / Automation / Robotics
Materials processing Materials processing
Electrical and electronic equipment Electrical and electronic equipment
Quality Quality / Inspection
High technologies High-tech
Raw materials Extraction and processing of raw materials
Chemicals Chemicals – Rubber – Plastics
Pharmaceutical Pharmaceuticals / Biotechnology
Manufacturing / Production Industry / Manufacturing, other (furniture, textiles, printing)
Health Health
Social Social
Veterinary Veterinarian
Web Websites / SEO / Webdesign
Software Software development
Telecom Telecommunications
E-business E-business
IT Services IT Engineering Services Company
ConsultingProject management ConsultingProject management
Cleaning Cleaning / maintenance
Other company services Other business services
Individual services Personal services
Public service Public services / Administrations
Fashion Mode
Luxury Luxury
Beauty Beauty
Transport Transport
Logistic Logistics
Handling Handling
Recruitment firm Recruitment agency
Interim firm Temporary employment agency
Marketing Marketing
Communication Communication / Media / Press
Advertising Advertising
Journalism Journalism
Edition Editing and writing
Engineering Engineering
RnD R&D / High-tech
Consultancy Design office
Private research Private search
Public research Public research
Security Security / Defense
Art Art / Entertainment / Culture
Teaching Teaching
Public teaching Public education
Private teaching Private education
Formation Vocational training
Apprenticeship Formation Work-linked training
Water Water
Electricity Electricity
Oil and gas Oil & Gas
Nuclear Nuclear
Environment Environment / Nature
Waste Waste management
Humanitarian Humanitarian

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Code displayValue
P1_P2 Skilled worker (P1,P2)
P3_P4_OHQ Skilled worker (P3,P4,OHQ)
ENQ Unskilled employee
EQ Qualified employee
PRIVATE_FRAME Private sector executive
PUBLIC_FRAMEWORK Public sector executive / Armed forces

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The experience object contains 3 elements:

  • experienceYear: contains the number of years of experience required.
  • includingManagementYears: number of years of managerial experience required.
  • displayValue, displayable values.

Example :

"experience": {
"experienceYear": "-2",
"includingManagementYears": "10.0",
"displayValue": "Tous niveaux d'expérience"
experienceYear displayValue
<0 All levels of experience
0.0 Beginner
<6 Experienced
>=6 Project Manager

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Study levels


Code displayValue
BAC_1_2 Bac+1/Bac+2
BAC_3 Bac+3
BAC_4 Bac+4
BAC_5 Bac+5
BAC_6_PLUS Bac+6 and above

Example :

"studyLevels": [
"code": "BEP_CAP",
"displayValue": "BEP/CAP"
"code": "BAC",
"displayValue": "Bac"

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School Types


Code displayValue
ALL It doesn’t matter
UNI University
RESEARCH_LAB Research laboratory
BUSINESS_SCHOOL Business school
ENGINEER_SCHOOL Engineering school

Example :

"schoolTypes": [
"code": "UNI",
"displayValue": "Université"
"displayValue": "École d'ingénieur"

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