Find out when an ad expires

How do you know if a job offer is still visible to candidates? Let's find out about ad expiration dates.

Jobboard visibility: how it works

Job offers are published on a job board in what's called a feed, a bit like your LinkedIn posts on your personal profile.

Announcements follow each other as they arrive. In fact, a job offer that's too old will find itself completely hidden by the others, relegated to the back pages.

👉 Good to know:
Sponsored offers follow the same rule in absolute terms, but are posted at the beginning of the page for better visibility. For details, please refer to the user documentation for the sites concerned.

Ad validity period

Validity periods for published offers vary from one job board to another, with some never unpublishing offers by default. However, there is a general consensus around the 30-day timeframe.

After this period, job offers may be automatically unpublished by job boards. To find out quickly which offers are potentially in danger of being overlooked, you can refer to your publication dashboard, filtering on published offers. You can consider that an offer published more than 2 weeks ago is probably not very visible to candidates.

Overview of the published offers dashboard - Beetween

Visibility and republication

When you republish an ad, it is sent back into the data stream. However, the latter is not considered a "new offer" but an "update" of an existing one. Also, if republication is too rapid, it will have no impact on positioning.

What's more, if you republish your bulk offers too quickly, job boards may block your distribution possibilities.