Withdrawal and deletion of candidacy

Deleting a recruitment and deleting the CV database are 2 completely different actions. Let's take a look at how to remove a candidate from the recruitment process while keeping him/her in the CV library.

Definitions and uses

Withdrawing a candidate involves detaching the candidate file from the recruitment concerned.

🎮 Practical example:
Paul Ervelo is involved in both Content Manager and Community Manager recruitment. I'd like it to be visible only in Community Manager. I will then remove it from the Content Manager recruitment.

Deleting a candidate means deleting all candidate data from the CV database. This is the preferred action for RGPD compliance (deleting inactive profiles).

Withdrawal of a recruitment application

If you would like to remove a candidate from your recruitment process without deleting them from your CV library, here's how to proceed:

  1. Go to your recruitment file where the candidate to be removed is located
  2. Select candidate (as shown below)
  3. Click on the Remove button (this button removes all selected candidate files from the recruitment folder you are currently in).

📌 Good to know:
The candidate file will remain in your CV library and can be retrieved using the search function.

If your candidate record is also present in another recruitment, the latter will not be affected by this action.

Deleting a candidate file

To delete one or more candidates, go to your CV library and select the profiles concerned, then click on the Delete button in the menu at the top of the screen.