Merge candidate files

How to merge candidate files manually in the event of a duplicate? What is automatic merge?

Several files may exist for a single candidate in your CV library; these are known as duplicates. These duplicates may appear if a candidate applies for more than one of your job offers, or makes an unsolicited application at the same time, for example. There are two ways of merging these candidate files in Beetween.

Manual merge

How to recognize a duplicate?

Beetween recognizes duplicate candidate files by the e-mail addresses entered in them. An orange border then appears around the candidate's photo, accompanied by an icon representing two characters.

📌 The border and icon do not appear on the first candidate file created, only on subsequent files detected as duplicates.

These elements are visible from the list of candidates for an offer, the CV library and the candidate file. In addition, “Currently on X recruitments” is displayed in the candidate file.

📌 Beetween is also able to recognize duplicates based on their phone number. This feature is optional and must be activated when configuring your Beetween accounts.

How to merge candidate files?

To merge candidate files, go to the list of candidates for an offer, the CV library, or the relevant candidate file. By clicking on the two-figure icon, you can “View similar profiles”. Then simply select them, and click on “Merge” in the top bar. A confirmation window appears, and you're done!

⚠️ You can't undo a merge.

👉 Watch our tutorial on manual merge! 👈
(This tutorial is only available in French for now.)

Automatic merge

How does automatic merge work?

When configuring your Beetween accounts, you can activate automatic duplicate merge. If this option is activated, when you receive an application whose e-mail address (and/or telephone number, if configured) is already present in a candidate file in your CV library, the files will be merged automatically.

How to find out if a file has been automatically merged?

If an applicant file is the result of an automatic merge, a banner indicating that “The applicant has been automatically merged with a duplicate” appears for a few seconds at the bottom of your screen, and the words “New application (duplicate merged)” appear as a comment in the “Activities” tab.

What happens to the information contained in the candidate files?

When merging, the oldest candidate file is saved. General information concerning this candidate will therefore be taken from the latest, but information specific to the recruitment files in which the candidate was present will be saved. Below is a non-exhaustive summary table of the information overwritten (general) or grouped together (specific).

General information

Specific information

  • Profile picture
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Phone number
  • E-mail address
  • Source of application
  • Applicant file creation date
  • Applicant file update date
  • Candidate score
  • Activities
  • Notes*
  • Tags
  • Tasks
  • Notes "In brief"*
  • Documents


📌 Here are a few details about some information:

  • Application source: Since only one application source is saved during a merge, your statistics may be affected.
  • Documents : If the contents of two documents are identical, only one of them will be saved.

*Some specific information, such as tags, will always be visible on the candidate file. Others, such as notes, can only be accessed by clicking on “Currently in X recruitments”, then on the corresponding recruitment. The information for the latter is marked with an asterisk in the table.

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Navigating between recruitments

As mentioned above, some information is only accessible from the recruitment to which it is attached. There are three ways to navigate between the different recruitments where a candidate is present:

  1. From the list of candidates for an offer: By clicking on “Present in X recruitments” ;

  2. From the CV library: By clicking on the name of the recruitment file that appears;

  3. From an applicant file: By clicking on “Currently in X recruitments”.

The same table will be displayed each time. Clicking on the recruitment name takes you directly to the corresponding file. Clicking on the eye icon takes you to the version of the candidate file corresponding to the recruitment. You can also move the candidate, access the stages the candidate is in, or remove the candidate from the process.

This table also lets you see, at a glance, the different stages in which the candidate is present, the owners of the recruitment files concerned, their publication date, and the score given to the candidate for each one (which you can modify directly from this table, by the way).