Set up your company's recruitment share

How to configure the default sharing of recruitments between different users in your company.

Shared recruitment

Administrators have the option of setting recruitment sharing as a default setting, so that they can easily collaborate during the recruitment process.

In Settings > Recruitment > Recruitments sharing, the administrator can manage sharing.

To do this, the administrator selects the user, agency or company for which he/she wishes to manage recruitment sharing.

⚠️ The sharing rules will only apply to future recruitments.

Recruitments can be shared at different levels:

  • License: to all users of a license; this sharing is done automatically, so you have no control over it;
  • Company: to the whole company;
  • Agency: to all users in an agency;
  • Group: to all users in a group;
  • User: to one or more individual users.

Once the level has been selected, you can choose from a range of possible values. Several sharing rights are available:

  • Read only: users can only view recruitments;
  • Editor: users will be able to make modifications to recruitments;
  • Admin: users become administrators, with full rights over recruitment.

Examples of settings

Example 1

In this example, we're going to create a user's recruitment share.


User Pierre Bernard's recruitments will be shared in Read only mode with user Jean Martin.

Example 2

In this example, we're going to create an agency recruitment share.


Agency 1 recruitments will be shared with Group 1 users.

⚠️ If John were in Group 1, then only the rule for his account would apply.