Post jobs on LinkedIn from Beetween

Beetween offers two solutions for posting your job offers on LinkedIn.

There are two ways to post jobs on LinkedIn from Beetween.

1 - LinkedIn Limited


The first solution is to use the LinkedIn Limited connector.

All you have to do is post all your job offers on the “Jobs” tab of your company page.

LinkedIn Limited

No other action is possible on these offers, and it will not be possible to switch them to Premium slots.

They will of course be referenced in the job offers on

If you wish to use this connector, you will need to provide our Support team with the URL of your company page.

Example URL:

2 - LinkedIn Job Wrapping

The second solution is the LinkedIn Job Wrapping connector.

Please note, however, that this tool also needs to be configured on your LinkedIn recruiter space, and will be billed by LinkedIn.

Unlike LinkedIn Limited, you will be able to assign slots to your job offers.

The rest of the jobs that are not in your slots will still be in the “Jobs” tab of your company page and accessible via search.

Once the offer has been written and sent to LinkedIn, you'll need to go to your LinkedIn JobWrapping interface and take the necessary steps to put the offers you wish to highlight in Premium slots.

The simplified application is not available on LinkedIn with these two options, as it is with a manually posted offer, for example.

When candidates click on the Apply button, they will be redirected to an application form generated automatically by Beetween.

Under certain conditions, we can replace this form with the job offer page on your career site.

Naturally, applications arrive in the Beetween recruitment inbox and are identified as coming from LinkedIn.

If this is your preference, please contact our Support team to discuss the matter.