Writing a job ad: fields to fill in

When writing a job offer, some fields are mandatory, others optional. Overview, explanations and tips for optimizing your offers.

What are the best practices for filling out the fields in a job ad?

Not all job boards have the same requirements regarding the fields to be filled in to validate the publication of a job offer. Here's a quick overview of the different items and best practices for filling them in.

Input modes

Beetween offers 2 input modes for displaying your ad page: standard mode and advanced mode.

The standard mode includes all the information required by most job boards.

Advanced mode will offer you additional modules. You can activate it by checking "Advanced" at the top of the page.

Activate advanced mode on the offer page - Beetween

📌 Good to know:
Some job boards require additional mandatory information, for example Pôle Emploi, which systematically asks for the corresponding ROME code.
If you select one or more job boards in this case, you will be asked for additional information in step 3 of your ad publication.

Standard mode fields

Classic" fields

Some fields don't really ask any questions, as they speak for themselves: title, company, mission, profile sought, contract.
To optimize your drafting, we invite you to read our complete Guide on the subject. We won't go into them here.

The company description field can be automatically pre-filled with the text of your choice by our support team.

💥 Attention:
The title of your ad should only briefly describe the position (e.g.: Ready-to-wear salesperson (M/F)). Don't include any superfluous information, such as location or contract type. Some job boards (such as Indeed) may block your account if you fail to comply with this golden rule.

The fields Who are you? / Company name and type of recruiter

If you're only recruiting for your company, our technical support team can configure your account so that this module is pre-filled, to save you time.

The Location field

This field is linked to the Google Map address database, which is regularly updated.

To ensure that your location information is correctly transmitted to the various job boards, it's very important to enter as complete an address as possible. However, the street is not a mandatory part of the rental.

🚀 Usage tip :
We recommend that you always use the zip code, as this will make it easier to autocomplete the module.

💥 Attention:
Never select an option provided by autocomplete and then delete part of the choice. The omission of a space or comma may prevent the correct transmission of location data.

The Salary field

The Salary field offers 2 types of information input: an exact value or a range.
You can fill in one, the other or both.

Some job boards only display exact values. In fact, we recommend that you always enter the 2 pieces of information and select the display mode you prefer. The information communicated to job boards will then be adapted to their posting rules.

Salary display preference on job posting page - Beetween

You should be aware, however, that regardless of the job site you choose, advertisements without a salary field are less well referenced and therefore receive fewer applications.
If you don't want to determine a salary range, we recommend that you enter an exact value and specify in the body of your ad that the salary will depend on the candidate's profile and experience.

🚀 Usage tip :
You don't want to post your salary on Apec but still want to benefit from the best possible referencing?
In exceptional cases, leave the Exact value field blank. Apec translates the absence of salary data as "To be negotiated".

👉 Good to know:
Although this field is mandatory to validate the posting of your ad, it is not always displayed by job boards (e.g. FHF).

The field The position / Area of activity

This field allows job boards to classify your ads by sector of activity.
As with the Company and Company name fields, the business area can be filled in by default.

Additional fields in advanced mode

By default, all advanced mode fields are non-mandatory on job boards. Their importance may vary according to your particular case. We'll only go into detail about certain fields here.

The Language field

To comply with French law, all job postings must be in French.
However, you can run 2 identical ads, one in French and one in English. In this case, it's essential to specify the language in which your ad is written.

The fields Who are you? / Address, Siret and NAF code

As with the rest of the fields on this module, they can be automatically pre-filled by default by our technical support.

Your contact information fields

This contact information is not displayed by job boards in their ads. However, some job boards request this information for validation purposes.

The Position / Number of positions field

Let's say you're looking to recruit 2 salespeople at the same site. In other words, it's exactly the same job. In this case, simply indicate in this field that there are 2 vacancies. It is not advisable to write 2 ads:

  • If you sponsor the ad, you'll pay double, because you'll end up paying for 2 ads instead of just one.
  • Some job boards may consider that you're over-optimizing your postings, and blacklist you accordingly.

How to apply fields

You can add contact information to your ad by adding your name and contact details.

You can also choose to register an application URL (linking to a form, for example) or a specific email address directly.

💥 Attention:
If you enter an external URL and/or email address, applications will no longer be automatically sent to Beetween!
If you want applications to arrive simultaneously on Beetween and on an external email address, you can use the Application transfer feature.