Reports in Beetween

Find out how to set up and generate reports for manager questionnaires or interviews in Beetween.

What is a report in Beetween?

A report in Beetween is a .pdf document generated automatically or manually, either on receipt of an answer to a manager's questionnaire concerning a candidate, or through the action of a user. It gathers together all a manager's answers to given questions about a candidate, or all the notes taken following an interview, for example.

Reports are stored in the "CV & Documents" tab of a candidate file, making them easily accessible and smoothing your decision-making process. Their .pdf format also enables you to download and transmit them easily.

How to set up a Beetween report?

There are 3 steps to setting up a report in Beetween, which we'll describe in detail below.


💡 The first step, tag creation, only concerns you if the tags present in the Beetween report template don't meet your needs. Otherwise, you can proceed directly to the second step.

1. Tag creation

First, if you want to retrieve specific information from your report that doesn't already exist as tags in Beetween, you need to create the corresponding tags.

⚠️ The nomenclature of your tags is important: make sure that the wording you have chosen does not already exist in Beetween, and that the identifier of your tag is specific to your structure and the questionnaire concerned.

Example: An identifier in the form "nameofyourstructure.nameofyourquestionnaire.storedvalue" will give "btwn.questionnaire.manager.availability" for a "Candidate's availability" tag used in a Beetween manager questionnaire.

To create a tag, go to your settings, then Advanced settings ▶️ Advanced tag management. To make it easier to manage your tags, we recommend that you create a new tab on this page to collect the tags corresponding to your questionnaire. To edit a tag's identifier, simply click on it in the table once your tag has been created.


To find out more about tags, click here.

2. Creating the manager questionnaire

Once you've created your tags, you'll need to call them up in the expected answers to a questionnaire manager, so that they are correctly retrieved in the report. You therefore need to create a questionnaire manager, and choose "Tag" in the Question response type. All you have to do is select the tags you've just created, and you're done.


💡 If you don't need to create your own tags, simply call up the tags that already exist in Beetween; present in the Beetween report template.



To find out more about manager questionnaires, click here.

3. Customize your report

Once you've chosen your tags and created your manager questionnaire, you can already send it to your employees for them to answer, but the automatically generated .pdf will be in Beetween colors, and very simply formatted. You can customize this .pdf.

To do this, download the Beetween report template, and ideally edit it in Google Docs to retain all its features. When you want to call up one of the tags you've created, make sure you use the following nomenclature: "${tagidentifier}" so that its value can be retrieved in the report.

Once you've edited your report template, give your document the same name as your questionnaire (my questionnaire is called "Questionnaire Manager", so my report template will also be called "Questionnaire Manager"), and export it in .docx format.


Finally, go to your Beetween settings, on the "My forms" page (Recruitment ▶️ My forms), and import your document into the "Charter form" section at the bottom of the page, using the "+" button on the bottom right. From now on, the .pdf files generated on receipt of your employees' responses will take this form.

📌 You can import several documents with the same name: the most recent document will be taken into account.

How to generate a report in Beetween?

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are two ways of generating a report in Beetween:

1. Sending a manager questionnaire

As mentioned above, sending a manager questionnaire generates a report once your employee has completed it. To send a manager questionnaire, go to the "Forward" tab of a candidate file, and select the questionnaire of your choice when sending your e-mail. Your colleague will receive an invitation to reply, and a report will be generated in the "CV & Documents" tab as soon as this has been done.


2. Direct generation of a report

You can also generate a report directly from a candidate file. In this case, you fill in a manager questionnaire or interview report. You can access this function from the "CV & Documents" tab, by clicking on the vertical 3-dot icon, then on "Generate a feedback request". You can then answer the questionnaire of your choice yourself, and add your own report to the candidate's file.
