Combine collaborators in an agency to simplify cooperation

How can you facilitate cooperation between your different teams when managing recruitment? Instructions for use.

The agency principle

The principle of an agency is to be able to link users according to the organization of your company, i.e. to be able to reproduce the organization chart of your company in your software.

The aim is to facilitate cooperation between your different teams when managing recruitment.

💡 If you want to bring users together in a more flexible way without representing your organization, you can use groups.

The benefits of creating agencies

Agencies are designed to simplify cooperation in your recruitment process. For example, you'll be able to recruit on behalf of an agency, i.e. create a recruitment using the agency's configurations, rather than your own (favorite job boards, sender addresses, pre-filled job offer information, etc.).

Agencies can represent your company's entities, departments or brands. They also include the location of ads and a list of job boards.

Example of agency use

Agency settings

To create an agency, go to Settings > Account setup > Agencies.


On this page, you can create an agency using the “+ New Agency” button in the top right-hand corner. You can also modify or delete agencies using the “...” menus in the “Actions” column. Finally, you can modify the information linked to an agency by clicking on its name.

Creation of the agency

To create an agency, click on the “+ New agency” button. A pop-up window appears, where you can enter the agency's name. You can also copy the configuration of an existing agency.


Once you've created your agency, you're taken to its configuration page, which consists of 3 tabs: “Users”, “Description” and “Shipping addresses”.

Add a user to the agency

In the “Users” tab, click on the “New user” button, and choose the person you wish to add to the agency.


You can also associate user groups. To do this, click on “New group”, and choose the group you wish to associate.


Agency description

In the second tab, “Description”, you can enter important information relating to this agency: description, postal address, company name, SIRET number, associated logo, etc. By filling in these fields, you can pre-fill job offers written for this agency.


💡 Associating a logo with the agency will enable you to differentiate your job offers from one another: once posted, they will no longer be displayed with your company's generic logo, but with the logo of the corresponding agency.

Delivery addresses

The “Sending addresses” tab lets you set the sender name and e-mail address through which the agency will send the various acknowledgements of receipt, automatic e-mails and e-mails.

Acknowledgements and automatic e-mails

If no acknowledgement and automatic e-mail information is entered, the sender name and e-mail address of the default user account will be used.


When you send an e-mail, the shipping information will be filled in by default, but can still be modified.

Additional sender(s)

In this tab you can add additional contacts, so that they can be added to the sender list when an e-mail is sent.

Associating recruitment with an agency

When creating a recruitment, you can associate it with an agency. You can then find the chosen agency under the name of the recruitment file in your table.

💡 Are you not offered an agency when you create a recruitment? Contact your company administrator to make sure you've been added to an agency.


💡 When you go to a recruitment file, if it is associated with an agency, the agency's name is displayed below that of the recruitment concerned, alongside its creation date and the name of its owner.
