Beetween candidate questionnaire

The candidate questionnaire automatically pre-qualifies profiles for you, saving you considerable time in profile selection.

Qualifying talent when they apply is one of the time-consuming but essential tasks in a recruitment process. Indeed, it's essential for a recruiter to be able, at a glance, to access a summary view of the candidate's profile, so as to easily select those to be interviewed. That's what the Beetween candidate questionnaire is for. Let's see how it works.

What is a candidate questionnaire?

A candidate questionnaire is a questionnaire sent to the candidate in order to obtain additional information quickly, thus automatically pre-qualifying the talent file. It can be sent manually, or automatically on receipt of the application. The recruitment questionnaire can be sent by e-mail or SMS (the SMS questionnaire, however, is more limited in the number of questions).

Upon receipt of the candidate's responses, the information will be stored in tags, some of which can be accessed via a quick-access link in your CV library's visual display. This information will be taken into account when you use the search function. For example, if a questionnaire asks the customer if he or she has the CACES R389 (forklift operator's license), you can search for profiles with this certification directly in the search. Similarly, you can use the Questionnaire function to request additional documents from the candidate, such as a scan of the forklift driver's license required for the position.

How do I set up a candidate questionnaire with Beetween?


⚠️ If you wish to retrieve candidates' answers in your tags, you must create these tags before creating your questionnaire. To do this, go to the “Advanced tag management” settings page (accessible only to administrators): see Configure and create your own tags to simplify recruitment.

There are two ways to create a questionnaire: either in the user settings, or directly in a recruitment file.

In the parameters, you can create, modify and preview questionnaires using the “...” in the Actions column. Depending on your rights, you can manage questionnaires at company, branch or user level by selecting the entity at the top of the page (rail track).

When you press the “Create a questionnaire” button, a pop-up window allows you to enter the following information:

  • Type of questionnaire (Candidate or Manager) ;
  • The internal title of the questionnaire (visible only in the Beetween interface) ;
  • Questionnaire presentation (a short description of the questionnaire) ;
  • If applicable, the existing questionnaire from which you wish to create the new one.

The next step is to set up and modify the questionnaire. You can then enter :

  • The public title of the questionnaire (visible to candidates) ;
  • Whether or not the questionnaire will contain attachments;
  • Questionnaire content: for each question, its position in the questionnaire, its wording, a hint if you wish, the type of answer expected, the name of the corresponding tag if applicable, the options available if any, and the “Required” box (to make an answer compulsory) checked or unchecked according to your needs.

💡 You can save, delete (deletes the line) or reset (erases the information entered in the line) a question using the ✔️, ✖️ and 🔄 icons at the end of the line.

To add a question, click on the eponymous button and choose between “Create a new question” and “Copy a question from another questionnaire”.


You can also create a candidate questionnaire on the fly in the “Questionnaire” tab of a recruitment file; you can then choose to start from an existing questionnaire or create a new one.

You can then add questions and modify them, as in the user settings. Once you've validated your questionnaire, you can save it as a template for future use.

The different types of response

In order to build your questionnaire as effectively as possible, we'll look at all the possible types of response:

  • Tag: When you choose a tag as the answer type, you'll be able to find the answer in the tags of the candidate file. To do this, first create your tag, then add it to your questionnaire. Depending on the type of tag selected (simple text, date, drop-down list...), the same type of response will be expected.
  • Date: Candidates can choose a date from a calendar.
  • Location (address): The candidate can enter a postal address and choose one from the list proposed when entering.
  • Drop-down list : A drop-down list will be proposed to the candidate. When creating the list, the number of available answers can be selected.
  • Number: The candidate can only enter a number.
  • Long text: The candidate can give a long answer, which may be useful to explain his or her background or motivations.
  • Simple text: Candidates should respond with one or two sentences maximum.

📌 The most important thing when creating your questionnaire is to know what information you'd like to be able to access quickly, i.e. what information you'll need to store in the form of tags.

How to send a questionnaire to candidates...

Automatically on receipt of an application?

You can automatically send a questionnaire to candidates as soon as you receive their application. They will then receive it in the e-mail acknowledging receipt of their application.

To activate this option, first go to the recruitment folder of your choice, then to the “Questionnaire” tab. A drop-down list will appear, allowing you to choose an existing questionnaire or create a new one.


Once you've selected one of these two options, you can preview your questionnaire by clicking on the icon to the left of the “Save” button. If you're happy with your choice, simply click on it to save.

⚠️ The choice of questionnaire to be sent will apply to all the advertisements in the recruitment.

How do I send a questionnaire to candidates manually?

You can also send a questionnaire to candidates manually from their candidate file. To do this, go to the selected candidate's file, then to the “E-mail” tab, and click on the “Insert questionnaire” button, which will enable you to select the questionnaire of your choice and integrate it into the e-mail you send to the candidate.


Would you like to send a questionnaire to several candidates at the same time? Nothing could be simpler: select the candidates concerned, click on “Messaging”, then on the “Insert questionnaire” icon.

💡 You can personalize an e-mail sent to several candidates by using variables.


How can I access the candidates' answers?

You can find your candidates' answers in their candidate files:

  • In the “Questionnaires” tab: When a candidate answers a questionnaire, his or her answers, as well as the date the questionnaire was sent and the candidate's response date, are listed in this tab.
  • A .pdf file containing the candidate's answers can be generated automatically, and a score out of 5 can be assigned to the candidate at your request, based on their answers to the questionnaire. By clicking on the icon representing the candidate's score, you can access his or her answers.
  • If you are interested in the last two features, please let our Support team know when you set up your questionnaire.
  • In the “Tags” tab: If you have created tags which you then use when creating your questionnaire, your candidates' answers will be automatically stored more visually in them.
  • You can configure certain tags so that they are visible in quick access, and therefore directly in Beetween's “Candidates” tab, under any notes you may have taken.

How to share candidates' answers?

The .pdf file generated on receipt of a candidate's responses can be sent automatically to the relevant recruitment owner. You can also download it and send it to your colleagues. It can also be customized to match your corporate identity.

💡 To customize your .pdf file, go to Settings > My questionnaires > Questionnaire Charter, and follow the instructions given by Beetween.